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By Tony Duff

ISBN-10: 9937838614

ISBN-13: 9789937838610

The Sutra of the Recollection of the Noble 3 Jewels is a compilation of the Buddha's teachings referred to as "the recollections". The reminiscences are standard all through all Buddhist traditions as a fashion of remembering the 3 Jewels and deepening religion in them. This ebook is a very entire number of every little thing had to learn, perform, or even translate the Sutra.

The booklet starts off with 3 chapters of advent which clarify: the origins of the Sutra; the numerous translation matters raised by means of the Sutra; and the way to check and guidance the Sutra. those chapters comprise a wealth of fabric amassed and organized in a single position by way of the writer after years of analysis of the Sutra. They comprise anything for everybody. There are discussions of religion and the way to arouse it utilizing the Sutra. There are huge discussions of translation that are a must-read for somebody doing translation paintings from Tibetan Buddhist texts; they hide vital problems with translation that experience no longer been visible in print so far. Then there's beneficial advice on the best way to learn and comprehend the Sutra. there's additionally a piece on how one can entry the magic of basic fact utilizing the Sutra.

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Instead, we should try to find a word in our own language that fits the source language, Sanskrit, where possible. If one cannot be found, we might consider doing what the Tibetans did, which is to make our own word. Certainly, the English language, with its wide range of roots, is eminently suited to that task. The Tibetan rationales for translation should be studied in conjunction with this because they will inform the work. Once we have selected or created our word, we must—as I have done here—write a rationale for that.

If we can manage to do it, we can gain access to an extraordinary body of conceptual knowledge. Moreover, this discipline, because it is being developed in relation to an expression of fundamental reality, can lead to a sudden flash of non-dualistic knowledge. The words of dharma, with all their precision and excellence, are only intended 54 UNENDING AUSPICIOUSNESS as a cause that will remove the coverings of dualistic mind. Again, we can find this understanding in the Sutra when, in the recollection of dharma, it lays out the four purities.

This is another case where translating from the Tibetan into English will not go well, where we have to look at the original term, in TRANSLATION ISSUES 41 Sanskrit, and translate from that into English, as has been done here. Differences of Translation and Explanation of the Sutra The previous section focussed on the rationales of Tibetan translation that appear in the course of examining the Sutra and how they can be used to inform the work of translation into other languages. There are also, as mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, other aspects to this Sutra and its commentaries that are useful for translators.

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Unending Auspiciousness - The Sutra of the Recollection of the Noble Three Jewels by Tony Duff

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