Nutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus And Dysmetabolic - download pdf or read online

By J. P. Bantle, G. Slama

ISBN-10: 3805580959

ISBN-13: 9783805580953

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Other Pharmacological Interventions for the Prevention of Diabetes as Secondary Outcome Other studies have also examined the effect of other drugs on the prevention of diabetes in high-risk populations as secondary outcome. At least 10 studies have assessed the effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptors antagonists on the prevention of 35 Chiasson Table 3. 03 diabetes as secondary objective (table 3) [18–21]. Eight of these studies found a significant reduction in the incidence of new cases of diabetes by the renin angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitors based on fasting plasma glucose.

N. Chan Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, SAR, China Abstract This review focuses on the efficacy and safety of Chinese medicine in the treatment of type-2 diabetes. Included were 84 controlled clinical studies of type-2 diabetes treated with Chinese medicine for at least 1 month. Reported outcomes were: symptom relief; improvement in glycemia, insulin resistance and secondary failure, and adverse events. Symptom relief was achieved in most (Ͼ80%) of the patients receiving Chinese medicine.

Pravastatin and estrogen/progesterone replacement therapy are two other drugs that have also shown potential for the prevention of type-2 diabetes (fig. 2). The West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study examined the effect of pravastatin on the development of diabetes as a secondary endpoint [22]. 036) [23]. 6 40 30 35 60 80 100 Fig. 2. Pharmacological interventions and the prevention of type-2 diabetes as a secondary outcome. The histograms represent the population-adjusted mean risk reduction where there is more than one intervention trial.

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Nutritional Management of Diabetes Mellitus And Dysmetabolic Syndrome (Nestle‚ Nutrition Workshop Series: Clinical & Performance Program) by J. P. Bantle, G. Slama

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