Read e-book online Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet: 7th PDF

By Vitor Pereira, Miguel Rocha, Paulo Cortez, Miguel Rio, Pedro Sousa (auth.), Guillaume Doyen, Martin Waldburger, Pavel Čeleda, Anna Sperotto, Burkhard Stiller (eds.)

ISBN-10: 364238997X

ISBN-13: 9783642389979

ISBN-10: 3642389988

ISBN-13: 9783642389986

This booklet constitutes the refereed complaints of the seventh IFIP WG 6.6 overseas convention on self reliant Infrastructure, administration, and safety, goals 2013, held in Barcelona, Spain, in June 2013. The eleven complete papers awarded have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 32 submissions. the amount additionally comprises 7 papers awarded on the goals Ph.D. workshop. They have been reviewed and chosen from 14 submissions. The papers are prepared in topical sections on site visitors engineering and quality-of-service; tracking and modeling; defense administration; content material distribution and multimedia; self sustaining administration; and tracking mechanisms.

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Read or Download Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet: 7th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 25-28, 2013. Proceedings PDF

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Example text

Given a fixed amount of available bandwidth, the clients’ decisions can range from downloading a high-resolution region in lower quality video up to downloading a low-resolution region in the highest quality possible. Obviously, combinations of the above choices may exist and the client selection algorithm should take into account typical changes in the video’s ROI by panning, zooming, etc. In this article, we propose three tile selection algorithms that correspond to different operations of the TAS technique.

1. The initial results show higher connection times over IPv6. Furthermore, on a Teredo MA, an application will never use IPv6 except when IPv4 connectivity is broken, because the Teredo IPv6 prefix has a low priority in the address selection algorithm [11]. It also appears that several services show very similar performance. These services resolve to a set of endpoints that belong to the same allocated address blocks. cgi 44 V. Bajpai and J. Schönwälder Digging through the whois information for each of the endpoints from their RIR demonstrates that major portions of the services map to address blocks owned by organizations such as Google and Akamai Technologies.

Several modifications to these video selection heuristics have been proposed in the past. These new heuristics either modify the heuristic to improve its applicability to a particular domain or exploit the advantages of SVC-based HAS. For example, Liu et al discuss a specific video client heuristic for CDNs [5], while Adzic et al present a specific client heuristic for mobile environments [6]. Schierl et al propose a generic algorithm for selecting the next video quality to download [7]. Our solution also proposes a novel client heuristic, but is specifically oriented towards streaming ultra high resolution videos.

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Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet: 7th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 25-28, 2013. Proceedings by Vitor Pereira, Miguel Rocha, Paulo Cortez, Miguel Rio, Pedro Sousa (auth.), Guillaume Doyen, Martin Waldburger, Pavel Čeleda, Anna Sperotto, Burkhard Stiller (eds.)

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