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By Abbas Milani

ISBN-10: 0230340385

ISBN-13: 9780230340381

Even though his monarchy used to be toppled in 1979 and he died in 1980, Mohammad-Reza Shah Pahlevi, the final Shah of Iran, is still proper this day. He was once a social reformer, a romantic egomaniac, and a deeply conflicted guy and chief. the following, the world over revered writer Abbas Milani supplies us the definitive biography, greater than ten years within the making, of the monarch who formed Iran’s sleek age and with it the modern politics of the center East. The Shah’s used to be a existence full of contradiction—he outfitted colleges, elevated equality for ladies, and significantly decreased the ability of the Shia clergy. He made Iran an international strength and nationalized his country’s many ordinary assets. yet he used to be deeply conflicted and insecure in his strong function. illiberal of political dissent, he was once ultimately overthrown by means of the very humans whose loyalty he so desperately sought. This finished and gripping account indicates us how Iran went from politically average monarchy to totalitarian Islamic republic. Milani unearths the complicated and sweeping street that will deliver the USA and Iran to the place they're this day.

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The Shah was often angered by their reports—as much by their content as by the temerity of the security agents to pry into matters he considered beyond their purview. When the Shah was at the height of his power, a journalist asked about his knowledge of what was happening in the country. He boasted that he received intelligence from at least thirteen different sources. But in retrospect, it is clear that these sources of intelligence were badly compromised. 7 In 1971, when the Shah seemed most secure on his throne, the CIA noticed his growing estrangement from reality and warned of its consequences.

23 The Shah’s already somber mood darkened drastically after hearing of these developments. Afterwards, Iranian radio, calling itself the “Voice of Revolution”—and soon enough, the “Voice of the Islamic Revolution”—was regularly filled with harangues against the Shah and his family. To the consternation of the Queen and his entourage, the Shah sometimes listened to the diatribes, and with every passing day, he grew more despondent. ”25 Now, on that mid-March morning in the Moroccan palace, the Shah asked Farhad Sepahbodi, Iran’s ambassador to Morocco, to help move his table and chair away from the breeze.

My wife, Jean, has been the first and last relentlessly careful critic and heroically patient reader of the entire manuscript. It is hard to avoid hyperbole when describing her patience and magnanimity in allowing not just my life but ours to be consumed with the exigencies of finishing the book. Oftentimes, when I concluded in desperation that the book might finish me before I could finish it, only her calming words and her optimism and her offer to help even more had the needed soothing effect on my intermittent feelings of frustration and exhaustion.

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The Shah by Abbas Milani

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