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By Elie Assis

ISBN-10: 143370420X

ISBN-13: 9781433704208

ISBN-10: 9004143548

ISBN-13: 9789004143548

This ebook presents an in depth literary research of the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah narratives in Judges 6-12, and discloses the most purpose of those tales. The ebook contains 3 chapters, every one of which analyses the respective biblical narratives. those narratives express the 2 parameters during which the Israelite leaders are tested, particularly their loyalty to God and their altruistic personality: a pacesetter who prefers his personal curiosity is doomed to his personal loss of life and brings devastation upon his humans. Judges doesn't determine a popular governmental version, as a substitute it considers the benefits and downsides of the different sorts of regimes. within the epilogue it is strongly recommended that those narratives are very easily put within the pre-monarchic interval while the query of the regime turns into a part of the political debate. The ebook of Judges deals standards for the alternative of the ideal chief. Readership: The ebook will have interaction these drawn to biblical narrative and especially within the booklet of Judges, in addition to those that be interested in synchronic readings with an eye fixed towards their underlying ideologies.

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Extra info for Self-Interest or Communal Interest: An Ideology of Leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah Narratives (Judg 6-12) (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 106)

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The wording gives the Gideon account the nature of a new start, possibly because the redactor wished to underscore this account and give it a central place in the Book. 5 Malamat has shown that this story is a natural continuation of the Deborah 18 chapter one the Israelites’ livelihood, destroying their crops and livestock, and preventing them from leading a normal existence (vv. 3–5). They also took lives and, in order to survive, the Israelites had to flee their homes and take refuge in hiding places in the mountains (vv.

It transpires that Gideon’s clan is not 35 For a different explanation of Gideon’s use of the plural form in his response to the angel’s greeting in the singular form, see: Klein, The Triumph in the Book of Judges, p. 53. 36 This idea was first raised in Midrash Tanhuma: “Since merit was found in Gideon who taught their [the Israelites’] merit, the Angel immediately appeared to him, as it is said: ‘And the Angel of the Lord came to him and said to him: Go in this strength of yours’—with the strength of the merit that you taught of my children.

55–57 (Hebrew). For other examples of the phenomenon see op. cit. p. 56 and n. 108, and Y. Zakovitch, “Review on: A. 17 In order to explain it, we will first study the structure and contents of the prophet’s rebuke. The rebuke is constructed in the form of a covenant in which each of the two sides has a commitment towards the other: Literature and Religion, Jerusalem 1979, Kiryat Sefer 54 (1979), p. 788 (Hebrew). There is no simple answer to the question of whether the repetition in verses 6 and 7 is an indication of an additional insertion to the text or a literary device designed to highlight the prophets words and to indicate the surprise that his rebuke comes at a point where God’s salvation through the actions of a deliverer is expected by the reader.

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Self-Interest or Communal Interest: An Ideology of Leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah Narratives (Judg 6-12) (Supplements to Vetus Testamentum 106) by Elie Assis

by Michael

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