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By D.I. Lloyd

ISBN-10: 020397428X

ISBN-13: 9780203974285

ISBN-10: 0415058945

ISBN-13: 9780415058940

This introductory publication exhibits the relevance of philosophical considering to the perform of schooling.

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This mechanistic view is no longer held in this form, but there are quite reputable views today which belong to the same tradition. Chemistry and biochemistry, in particular, are subjects which have led some thinkers to believe that what happens to us and what we do can be explained by physical laws. The functions of the body such as respiration and digestion are seen to be purely chemical and are not imbued with some special ‘living’ force. The discovery of DNA has shown that the passing on, of hereditary characteristics and the process of growth are really no more than particular chemical processes.

Indeed, this definition seems not only to cover the important points that have already been raised, but also to direct attention on to what surely matters most: that is, on to the lasting effects on the pupil. Does it not also correspond to the way we typically talk about indoctrination? For if we encounter someone who holds views, and either refuses or is unable to give a reasonable hearing to any objection to these views, would we not find it obviously appropriate to say he had been indoctrinated?

That children categorised on the basis of exam performance should be thought of and educated in very different ways; or that different kinds of curriculum, and therefore different life-styles, are appropriate to children of different social origins). Now such assumptions may be unpalatable to teachers and administrators operating the system; but nevertheless they are there, shaping the way children are educated— and so, no doubt, the way they are brought to think about themselves. And again, is it not likely that the views of themselves which pupils acquire without them being made explicit are the views they will find it most difficult to reflect on and evaluate, and possibly reject?

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Philosophy and the Teacher (Students Library of Education) by D.I. Lloyd

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