Read e-book online Musica Getutscht: A Treatise on Musical Instruments (1511) PDF

By Sebastian Virdung

ISBN-10: 0511518323

ISBN-13: 9780511518324

ISBN-10: 0521308305

ISBN-13: 9780521308304

Musica getutscht (Basel, 1511) is the earliest published treatise on musical tools within the West. Written by means of a clergyman and chapel singer named Sebastian Virdung, it supplied rudimentary guide on enjoying 3 tools: the clavichord, the lute and the recorder. This early 'do-it-yourself' handbook of guideline not just tells us approximately music-making in that period, it additionally illumines different points of society within the years earlier than the Reformation. Its writer communicates in a well-liked type, settling on a mix of media: a written textual content within the guise of a casual dialog, coupled with woodcut illustrations and visible aids. fans of early song and its functionality in addition to historians of paintings, society and the German language will welcome Beth Bullard's mammoth creation and annotations, which aid clarify the textual content of this significant paintings and its position in highbrow historical past.

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Extra info for Musica Getutscht: A Treatise on Musical Instruments (1511)

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The original designer of the woodcuts, then, could have been Virdung himself. Whoever this artist, even if he had sketched a likeness of an instrument from the thing itself, he still would have been influenced both by whatever aspects of the referent he wished to convey and by familiar ways of graphically encoding the object. Thus, he would naturally exaggerate certain features while suppressing others, consciously or unconsciously adopting some of the stylistic conventions of that time and place, appealing to the interests and expectations of his intended audience, and, of course, following his own inclinations based on the rationale for the depictions themselves.

Luscinius states that Calvo had proposed this project to him an undisclosed number of years before publication of Musurgia by Johann Schott at Strassburg in 1536. Internal evidence proves that Luscinius had completed the manuscript for Musurgia by 1518: on sig. 27 Further evidence may be read in a book order sent in the year 1517 by Calvo's brother and fellow book dealer, Francesco Calvo, to the Basel printer Johann Froben. 29 That this did not come to pass until nineteen years later must have been due to the great quantity of weightier subject matter, including Biblical and classical scholarship as well as politically-charged religious writings unleashed by the challenges of Luther and others, that required dissemination in Strassburg shortly after 1517.

In addition, almost the whole lot of the pictures appears in a manuscript dating from before 1524,53 and musical instruments with contours strikingly similar to those in Virdung's work can be found on border designs in prints from the 1520s and beyond. 54 With regard to the pictures of musical instruments, then, their frequent imitation, even to the extent of laboriously maintaining reversed keyboards and other avoidable inaccuracies,55 indicates that to readers of the time, these illustrations were a resounding success.

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Musica Getutscht: A Treatise on Musical Instruments (1511) by Sebastian Virdung

by Richard

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