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By R. Paul Evans

ISBN-10: 1471868079

ISBN-13: 9781471868078

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Extra info for WJEC Eduqas GCSE History: The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603

Example text

S o u rce N : Extract from a sermon attacking the theatre preached by a Puritan minister, John Stockwood, in 1578 Will not a filthy play with the blast of a trumpet sooner call thither [here] a thousand than an hour's tolling of a [church] bell bring to the sermon an hundred. ACTIVITY Why do S o u rces M a n d N h ave d iffering views on the a p p e a l of t h e theatre? I n yo u r a nswe r yo u s h o u l d refe r to both t h e i r content a n d the a ut h o rs. � • 3 Pop u l a r e nt e r t a i n m e n t Oppositio n to the theatre O pposition from religiou s grou ps While the theatre quickly established itself as a popular form of entertainment, it also had its critics.

It involved the use of a trained falcon or hawk to fly off a trainer's arm when the blind cap was taken off its head, kill selected prey and then return. Bells were attached to the bird's legs so that the trainer could keep track of its whereabouts . Sou rce E: A conte m po r a ry woodcut s h ow i n g a n E l izabet h a n g e n t l e m a n p r e p a r i n g h is hawk The upper classes used peregrines and they were the only persons allowed to breed hawks, while the lower orders made use of kestrels and sparrow hawks.

Exp l a i n t h e co n n ection between TWO of the fo l l ow i n g that a re to do with p o p u l a r e n te rta i n m ent d u ri n g E l iza beth a n t i m e s : • th eatres e b e a r- and b u l l ­ b a i t i n g p its • cockfi g hti n g e l a rg e c rowd s . ) Sou rce L: D rawi n g of t h e � Swa n Th eatre in Lo n d o n , p a i nted b y t h e D utch a rtist, J o h a n n es d e Witt i n 1 596 The first playhouses built in London were round or octagonal in shape, with an open space in the centre, into which jutted a raised stage.

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WJEC Eduqas GCSE History: The Elizabethan Age, 1558-1603 by R. Paul Evans

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