WiX Cookbook by Nick Ramirez PDF

By Nick Ramirez

ISBN-10: 1784393215

ISBN-13: 9781784393212

WiX is a dialect of XML used to make installers for home windows. Its declarative variety avoids the complexity and barriers of procedural code, giving you every thing you want to package deal up a whole program right into a unmarried MSI file.

This e-book offers a superb evaluate of WiX's functions to improve your individual installer programs with functionalities past these to be had in home windows Installer. within the recipes of this ebook, you will see that ways that WiX can lessen in your deploy time and assist you streamline your deployment techniques. you can see how you can make custom-made installer UIs, write customized activities, create shortcuts, and likewise set your program because the default for a dossier variety.

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The dangers of the self-approving system which drama-in-education engendered for itself during the 1980s, and of which Heathcote and Bolton were the unchallenged ambassadors, are obvious. The intense personalising of practice, combined with a mistrust of disinterested 26 THE PLAYERS: WITNESS AND REVELATION analysis, meant that it became almost impossible to challenge the premises upon which that practice was built. Meanwhile, without the checks and reassessments that genuine debate brings with it, the elders became more self-assured and less in touch with reality, gathering their disciples around them as a shield against an increasingly unsympathetic educational world.

24 The defender of ‘Eagle and Mole’ already quoted exhorts his champions to ‘write for the real audience—classroom teachers, not obscure academics with axes to grind’,25 while another supporter sees no reason for Heathcote to change her idiosyncratic style just because it is ‘not accessible to the traditional tools of academic criticism’. H. [Dorothy Heathcote] constantly apologises for not having the answers or the right words. She should not have to apologise…. Art is process. Creative struggle is infinite.

The perception that the teaching profession itself bore some of the blame for these shortcomings and that it had as a consequence disinherited itself from the processes of educational policy-making, seemed to bear out the arguments of the Black Paper contributors, and led to more and more governmental intervention in educational affairs. In its eighteen years in office, the Conservative administration sought to impose on teachers an unprecedented number of new and highly demanding initiatives. In 1984, the Secretary of State for Education, Sir Keith Joseph, announced the introduction of a single system of examinations at 16-plus, the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), to take effect from 1988.

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WiX Cookbook by Nick Ramirez

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