Download e-book for kindle: Web-Age Information Management: 17th International by Bin Cui, Nan Zhang, Jianliang Xu, Xiang Lian, Dexi Liu

By Bin Cui, Nan Zhang, Jianliang Xu, Xiang Lian, Dexi Liu

ISBN-10: 3319399578

ISBN-13: 9783319399577

ISBN-10: 3319399586

ISBN-13: 9783319399584

This two-volume set, LNCS 9658 and 9659, constitutes the completely refereed court cases of the seventeenth overseas convention on Web-Age details administration, WAIM 2016, held in Nanchang, China, in June 2016.

The eighty complete learn papers offered including eight demonstrations have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from 266 submissions. the focal point of the convention is on following themes: facts mining, spatial and temporal databases, recommender platforms, graph information administration, details retrieval, privateness and belief, question processing and optimization, social media, large information analytics, and disbursed and cloud computing.

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Extra info for Web-Age Information Management: 17th International Conference, WAIM 2016, Nanchang, China, June 3-5, 2016, Proceedings, Part II

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Location table contains many attributes like grid id, grid position, grid AQD and user position, which is the form of ([i, j] , [ Xs , Ys , Xt , Yt ] , Dij , [uk , xk , yk ]). Grid position denotes coordinates of points of left-bottom and right-up. User position denotes a list of k positions which have the most queries. Fig. 4. Hierarchical structure The hierarchical algorithm is as Algorithm 1. First, through the mapping methods, the algorithm maps the real location into a grid, matchs grid id where the real user located in with grid id in location table, and obtains AQD Du which the grid id is matchable (Line 1).

361– 372 (2014) 3. : Detecting anomalies in dynamic rating data: a robust probabilistic model for rating evolution. In: KDD 2014, pp. 841–850 (2014) 4. : Shilling attacks against recommender systems: a comprehensive survey. Artif. Intell. Rev. pp. 1–33 (2012) 5. : Unsupervised shilling detection for collaborative filtering. Assoc. Adv. Artif. Intell. (2007) 6. : Lies and propaganda: detecting spam users in collaborative filtering. In: IUI 2007: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp.

Before outsourcing, the owner represents the images as compact binary codes through aforementioned BPBC. Then the owner generates the searchable secure index using the BuildIndex algorithm. We first perform a pseudo-random permutation π(·) on p. After that, the permutated vector p¯ is extended into p˜ that is (c + r)-bit. By choosing t out of r dummy dimensions, the corresponding entries in p˜ are set to 1. And p˜ is further split into two ddimensional points p˜a and p˜b in such a way: for j = 1 to c + r, if the j-th bit of S is 1, p˜a [j] and p˜b [j] are set to two random numbers so that their sum is equal to p˜[j], that is p˜[j] = p˜a [j] + p˜b [j]; if the j-th bit of S is 0, p˜a [j] and p˜b [j] are set to the same value as p˜[j], that is p˜[j] = p˜a [j] = p˜b [j].

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Web-Age Information Management: 17th International Conference, WAIM 2016, Nanchang, China, June 3-5, 2016, Proceedings, Part II by Bin Cui, Nan Zhang, Jianliang Xu, Xiang Lian, Dexi Liu

by Richard

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