New PDF release: The school of scales, chords and embellishments;

By Hermann Berens

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No offender shall be prosecuted or punished by any State for an act of genocide for which he has been prosecuted and convicted or acquitted in another State. m. Chairman: Mr. R. Jiménez (Panama). 1. Modification of the agenda On the proposal of the representatives of the United Kingdom, the United States of America and India, the Committee decided to change the order of items listed on the agenda and to begin with discussion of item 2. 2. Resolution on the crime of genocide (document A/Bur/50) Mr.

Mr. Lavrishev (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) warmly supported the resolution and its amendments as being in conformity with the principles of the Charter. Racial hate was one of the characteristic features of fascist regimes and many lives had been lost in the fight against fascism; the General Assembly was therefore justified in attaching great importance to racial discrimination, and had just unanimously adopted an Egyptian resolution concerning that matter. Mr. Lavrishev supported the draft resolution and the amendments, and suggested that the resolution on genocide should include a clause requesting the Economic and Social Council to undertake preparatory work with a view to elaborating a draft international convention concerning the struggle against racial discrimination.

The Sub-Committee felt that it was important that there should be early action looking towards the preparation of a draft convention on the subject of genocide. To that end the Sub-Committee has proposed in the draft resolution that the General Assembly request the Economic and Social Council to undertake the necessary studies and to prepare a draft convention for submission to the next session of the General Assembly. Some members of the Sub-Committee stressed the importance of the creation of a small special committee of jurists to prepare the convention, while others felt that the Economic and Social Council should secure the co-operation of the committee to study the methods of encouraging the progressive development of international law and its codification.

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The school of scales, chords and embellishments; twenty-eight studies arranged for the piano by Hermann Berens

by Richard

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