New PDF release: The Roman Philosophers (Mark Morford) [2002]

By Mark Morford

ISBN-10: 0203451813

ISBN-13: 9780203451816

ISBN-10: 0415188512

ISBN-13: 9780415188517

ISBN-10: 0415188520

ISBN-13: 9780415188524

ISBN-10: 0585460981

ISBN-13: 9780585460987

Mark Morford offers a full of life, succinct, and entire survey of the philosophers of the Roman global, from Cato the Censor in one hundred fifty five BCE to the loss of life of Marcus Aurelius in one hundred eighty CE.

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The ideal leader is recognized (as we recognize a person by his face) as being the state—his own appearance and personality are merged with those of the state which he leads and serves. 64 This is true only in the narrow sense (as Long points out) that the modifications of Panaetius stemmed from “philosophical dissatisfaction with certain aspects of Stoicism”. The importance of Panaetius in the development of Roman philosophy lay in his perception of specific Roman needs, which he satisfied by the modification of Greek theory, especially in the fields of ethics and politics.

Panaetius, a decade after the visit of Carneades, had greater influence on the Romans than Carneades, because he reconciled Stoic ethical doctrine to Roman intellectual and practical needs. In a world where the spoken word was the dominant form of communication, the arts of rhetoric were of the highest importance. The lectures of Carneades, Diogenes and Critolaus alarmed conservatives like Cato, and their arts of persuasion were thought to be more dangerous than their doctrine. Their speeches brought the Romans face to face with the two aspects of logic in the context of the spoken word.

91 Posidonius, as quoted by Seneca, believed that philosophers were the rulers in the Golden Age and that they were responsible for political, social and cultural developments. Seneca, however, while agreeing with the first two of these categories, disagreed with Posidonius about the role of philosophers in developing the arts and sciences. 92 In his History, as in his other works, he deduced from the observed evidence that the greatest good is achieved by submitting to reason. People in the golden age submitted to wise men because they used reason and would provide the things that were necessary for a better life.

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The Roman Philosophers (Mark Morford) [2002] by Mark Morford

by Joseph

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