Download PDF by George Herbert Betts: The Mind and Its Education

By George Herbert Betts

Not like another reproductions of vintage texts (1) we've not used OCR(Optical personality Recognition), as this results in undesirable caliber books with brought typos. (2) In books the place there are pictures comparable to snap shots, maps, sketches and so on we have now endeavoured to maintain the standard of those photos, in order that they symbolize correctly the unique artefact. even if sometimes there is yes imperfections with those outdated texts, we think they should be made to be had for destiny generations to get pleasure from.

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The end-organs of the sensory nerves are nerve masses, some of them, as the taste buds of the tongue, relatively simple; and others, as the eye or ear, very complex. They are all alike in one particular; namely, that each is fitted for its own particular work and can do no other. Thus the eye is the end-organ of sight, and is a wonderfully complex arrangement of nerve structure combined with refracting media, and arranged to respond to the rapid ether waves of light. The ear has for its essential part the specialized endings of the auditory nerve, and is fitted to respond to the waves carried to it in the air, giving the sensation of sound.

7. PROBLEMS IN OBSERVATION AND INTROSPECTION 1. Which fatigues you more, to give attention of the nonvoluntary type, or the voluntary? Which can you CHAPTER II 33 maintain longer? Which is the more pleasant and agreeable to give? Under which can you accomplish more? What bearing have these facts on teaching? 2. Try to follow for one or two minutes the "wave" in your consciousness, and then describe the course taken by your attention. 3. Have you observed one class alert in attention, and another lifeless and inattentive?

Starting for the intellectual port A by way of a, b, c, d, he is mentally shipwrecked at last on the rocks x, y, z, and never reaches harbor. Fortunate is he who can shut out intruding thoughts and think in a straight line. Even with mediocre ability he may accomplish more by his thinking than the brilliant thinker who is constantly having his mental train wrecked by stray thoughts which slip in on his right of way. 5. --Attention may be secured in three ways: (1) It is demanded by some sudden or intense sensory stimulus or insistent idea, or (2) it follows interest, or (3) it is compelled by the will.

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The Mind and Its Education by George Herbert Betts

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