John Cannon's The Kings and Queens of Britain PDF

By John Cannon

ISBN-10: 0192800957

ISBN-13: 9780192800954

A unique historical past of the kings and queens of england, starting from legendary and early pre-conquest rulers to the current residence of Windsor. From King Arthur to Queen Victoria, Owain Glyn Dwr to Vortigern, it offers insurance of the rulers, their regnal dates, guidelines, characters, and the jobs they performed in shaping history.Synopsis
A dictionary giving a close background of the kings and queens of england, starting from legendary and early pre-conquest rulers to the current condominium of Windsor. masking English, Scottish, Welsh, and Irish monarchs, the entries are ordered in sections, by means of areas for pre-1066 monarchs (Romano-British rulers, Viking York), after which via royal strains (Tudors, Hanoverian). From King Arthur to Queen Victoria, Owain Glyn Dwr to Vortigern, the dictionary supplies finished assurance of the rulers, regulations, characters, and the jobs they performed in shaping background. distinct boxed entries provide details on subject matters akin to Coronations and Regalia, and on major royal apartments or traditions like Sandringham condominium and Touching for the King's Evil. absolutely illustrated, there are photographs of assorted monarchs, in addition to local maps and genealogies. A reference paintings for college kids of historical past in class or university, in addition to in the house, this booklet is meant for common readership; these attracted to the monarchy and background as a rule, scholars of background in school, university or college, present market.

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The following year, Oswiu attacked him. Despite gathering together a large armyÐ`thirty princes . . some of them kings', according to the Anglo-Saxon ChronicleÐPenda was defeated and killed on 15 November at the battle of the Winwaed. His son Peada then turned Mercia into a Christian kingdom. Peada, son of Penda, is an interesting king of whom we know too little. 653. Bede reported that he asked Oswiu of Bernicia for the hand of his daughter, Ahl¯aed, but was told that he must ®rst accept baptism; though his father was a pagan, Peada was permitted to go through the ceremony.

The son and successor of Cynegils, Cenwealh, married a sister of Penda, presumably as part of a negotiated settlement. After Edwin's death at Hat®eld in 633, Penda suffered some setbacks. His ally, Cadwallon, was defeated and killed at Heaven®eld in 634 by Oswald (of Bernicia), who reconstructed Northumbrian power. It has been suggested that Penda's murder of Edwin's son, Eadfrith, who had taken refuge in Mercia, was an attempt to buy off Oswald. Penda's campaign against the East Anglians, when he killed both their kings, Ecgric and Sigeberht, cannot be dated precisely, but was probably soon after Hat®eld.

Some of them kings', according to the Anglo-Saxon ChronicleÐPenda was defeated and killed on 15 November at the battle of the Winwaed. His son Peada then turned Mercia into a Christian kingdom. Peada, son of Penda, is an interesting king of whom we know too little. 653. Bede reported that he asked Oswiu of Bernicia for the hand of his daughter, Ahl¯aed, but was told that he must ®rst accept baptism; though his father was a pagan, Peada was permitted to go through the ceremony. He escaped the debacle of the defeat at the Winwaed in 655, possibly through the good of®ces of his brother-in-law, Ahlfrith of Northumbria.

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The Kings and Queens of Britain by John Cannon

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