Download e-book for kindle: Soviet Secrecy and Non-Secrecy by Raymond Hutchings

By Raymond Hutchings

ISBN-10: 1349064777

ISBN-13: 9781349064779

ISBN-10: 1349064793

ISBN-13: 9781349064793

The publication presents a accomplished description and research of Soviet secrecy: how nationwide defense differs from the non-public variety, and the way this secrecy impacts info coverage, either household and overseas.

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Extra info for Soviet Secrecy and Non-Secrecy

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How useful it is, when seeking to preserve official secrets, not to have a free press was well illustrated in the efforts of the US govemment to keep secret Space Shuttle Mission 51-C. Although at the Pentagon's request NBC, the Associated Press and Aviation Week & Space Technology held off stories about the mission, The Washington Post soon reported that 51-C would launch a satellite which was able to intercept signals intelligence (Time, 31 December 1984, p. 16). Under the Soviet systems there is little scope either for raising voluntary funds.

This perpetuation illustrates a situation which is of broader extent. e. it is tacitly agreed that this may remain secret), though that income has to be divulged to the inland revenue. Sim ilarly, it is still felt that 'an Englishman's home is his castle' although in actuality a variety of officials can insist on entry. In Turkey, veiling was discouraged by President Ataturk (1925) yet still today, in rural districts of Anatolia, women are swathed to an extent that is by no means demanded by the climate, even if the strict veiling which is enforced in Saudi Arabia is no longer practised (Lewis, 1974, pp .

In relation to a given universe of knowledge the possible frontiers 42 Soviet Secrecy and Non-Secrecy of confidentiality have been contracted . At the same time, that universe has greatly expanded both in fundamental knowledge and in innumerable details, so that perhaps on the whole the scope for secretiveness has not been reduced . About a third of the Soviet population is claimed to be undergoing instruction of some kind. Its scientists have multiplied more than a hundredfold since 1913. The system must evolve if it is not to be swept away by an advancing tide of unsupervised information, engulfing more and more people.

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Soviet Secrecy and Non-Secrecy by Raymond Hutchings

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