Security on Rails by Ben Poweski PDF

By Ben Poweski

ISBN-10: 1934356484

ISBN-13: 9781934356487

Safeguard ON RAILS tells the way to layout safety into an software, delivering the instruments and strategies for Rails programmers which are key to survival opposed to hackers. Chapters disguise general hacker method and convey tips on how to safe Rails functions opposed to threats. Rails programmers want those particular insights.

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Nil? rb invokes the attr_protected( ) class method, passing the :role_id symbol. The role_id attribute will not be populated via the new(params) or update_attributes(params) methods. 0 printing, December 2009) 51 A DDING A UTHORIZATION The :role_id parameter is added to the HTTP POST request with a value of 1 on line 10. As you might recall from the previous chapter, 1 is the primary key of the administrator role for LunchedIn. Next, we assert that the persisted User has a role_id of 2 on line 14.

9: Replaying a request in Tamper Data 2. Next, we navigate to the URI, http://localhost:3000/events/1. This brings up an event by Wally Webcoder. 11, on page 38. You can infer from this that LunchedIn probably suffers from an authorization flaw allowing direct access to its resources. So far we’ve learned that broken authorization allows malicious users to execute functionality the designer never planned for. Using a proxy like Tamper Data, we can insert arbitrary markup and exploit these flaws, as we did when we created the “improved” voting button.

Id redirect_to user_path(@user) else render :action => 'new' end end Note how the value params[:user] is passed into the new(params) method on line 3 of the User class. At this point, all parameters of the HTTP request that have the form of user[property_name] are bound to their respective properties. The role_id attribute determines the privilege level of a user. This is why the application gladly assigned the unintended privilege level when we added the user[role_id] parameter. The question is this: how can we prevent automatic binding of parameters to ActiveRecord properties?

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Security on Rails by Ben Poweski

by William

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