Schelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema by Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von; Matthews, Bruce; PDF

By Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von; Matthews, Bruce; Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von

ISBN-10: 143843412X

ISBN-13: 9781438434124

ISBN-10: 144168705X

ISBN-13: 9781441687050

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The philosopher then becomes a scholar of the history of ideas, his role devolving from creator of new visions and meaning, to that of a parasite living off the host body of the historical truths of tradition. Having lost all connection to the immediacy of truth, such a philosophy must then resign itself to a lifeless and uninspired form of ancestor worship. Schelling, however, finds this possible future of philosophy— although a very real threat in his own day—to be overshadowed by a very different possible future, in which philosophy rediscovers the 32 Schelling’s Organic Form of Philosophy immediacy and living force of truth as revealed in nature.

Construing reality as essentially organic allows Schelling to articulate successfully both the normative and descriptive unity of humanity and nature as members of a larger totality. In response to his contemporaries’ circular attempts to articulate self-consciousness, Schelling develops a genetic history of the self whose unity is rooted jenseits the grasp of self-reflection; the roots of our consciousness lie embedded in a strata of our nature that provide the common ground which unites human qua species with the world.

Schelling finds in Kant’s own critical program the textual and logical justification for this inversion: the architectonic of the critical program is baseless if it cannot incorporate what its own internal ordering demands, namely, its unification in, or by, an absolute magnitude provided by the Naturbegriffe of the dynamic category of community and reciprocity. If this method of unification is accepted, it follows that the categories of experience must then ground the abstract mathematical categories, and that the Naturbegriffe of these categories—specifically Kant’s application of them to the purposiveness of organic life in the third Critique—should then provide the “absolute self-action” Kant himself advances as the absolute causality of freedom.

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Schelling's organic form of philosophy : life as the schema of freedom by Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von; Matthews, Bruce; Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von

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