New PDF release: Real Eichmann Trial

By Paul Rassinier

ISBN-10: 0911038485

ISBN-13: 9780911038484

Foreword 5
Introduction 7
I. From Stalingrad to Nuremberg 30
II.The ideas of Nuremberg 40
III. Conspiracy and Crimes opposed to Peace 50
IV. warfare Crimes 75
V. Crimes opposed to Humanity 88
VI. end on Nuremberg 121
VII. The Eichmann Trial or the recent grasp Singers of Nuremberg 130
VIII. The Auschwitz Trial a hundred and fifty five

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Just reading these documents, which were not made public at the time, explains everything. If one spoke of them in Grande Allemagne and then argued Plus Grande Allemagne, or of Colonies to argue Silesia or Poland or the Ukraine, or if a text was read to them in the conditional tense and then arguments were drawn from it in the present, how could they understand? This process of reading to the German defandants a text written in their mother tongue asking them to acknowledge it as authentic, then producing English, Russian and French translations which had nothing in common with the original, then taking from these translations arguments which were then re-translated into German, was not without, as I have said, a certain Machiavellianism.

Hitler became the head of this association in 1921. P. (National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei), and the appearance of a political party. They must have been fairly intelligent, too, since they understood that in order to launch aggressive warfare against neighbouring states, it had absolutely to be done in the name of Germany, which seemed to indicate that they must first seize power. Hence, the conspiracy against peace - which in more modern and more diplomatic language would be called conspiracy against collective security - was in addition found to be tied in with conspiracy against the internal security of a state.

As in the world of La Fontaine, an English Rat, or an American, if not one of their interbreeding, came out of his hole [61] at the right moment and gnawed through the rope at just the right spot. To return to the world of men, the question which presents itself is whether the German Lion had the right to break out of the snare, and this question on another level is that of the sacredness of treaties, especially peace treaties. g. a customs conventions, the European Common Market. In the case of the European Common Market it must be admitted that it was imposed on the Six by an outside danger that threatened all of them and that Germany, although deriving little advantage from this agreement, nonetheless was forced into it by the new situation in the world in which she found herself as a result of World War II, and because Britain's non-cooperation would be tantamount to her exclusion from the most important markets on the Continent.

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Real Eichmann Trial by Paul Rassinier

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