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By Cynewulf; Kennedy, Charles W. (trans.)

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64) =: −η0 sin ωt + 2 Using the equations above we study the micro-motion for different on-site potentials ˆ m , which is fully determined by the unitary operator R(t) in Eq. 62) as shown above (Sect. 4). 1 Micro-motion Staggered Superlattice Potential The staggered superlattice potential illustrated in Fig. 1a consists of two nonequivalent lattice sites (two sectors α) with on-site potential energies that alternate 42 3 Artificial Gauge Fields with Laser-Assisted Tunneling in sign along the direction of the staggered potential micro-motion operator is determined by ˆ stagg (t) = M − m m = (−1)m /2.

Y. Hatsugai, Chern number and edge states in the integer quantum Hall effect. Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 3697–3700 (1993) 27. Y. Hatsugai, Edge states in the integer quantum Hall effect and the Riemann surface of the Bloch function. Phys. Rev. B 48, 11851–11862 (1993) 28. -L. -S. -C. Zhang, General theorem relating the bulk topological number to edge states in two-dimensional insulators. Phys. Rev. B 74, 045125 (2006) 29. M. Aidelsburger, M. Lohse, C. Schweizer, M. T. Barreiro, S. R. Cooper, I. Bloch, N.

It has been shown that the quantization of the Hall conductance discovered by Klaus von Klitzing et al. in 1980 [23] is directly related to an integer topological invariant known as the Chern number [24]. In solid-state experiments the quantization of the Hall conductance σ H is observed by sending a constant current through the sample and measuring the voltage difference in the transverse direction. At low temperatures all energy bands below the Fermi energy E F are filled. 45) E μ

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Juliana, translated by Charles W. Kennedy by Cynewulf; Kennedy, Charles W. (trans.)

by William

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