Download e-book for kindle: Health and Development: Toward a Matrix Approach by Anna Gatti, Andrea Boggio (eds.)

By Anna Gatti, Andrea Boggio (eds.)

ISBN-10: 0230581986

ISBN-13: 9780230581982

ISBN-10: 1349524301

ISBN-13: 9781349524303

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UNRRA was dissolved in 1946 and its activities and funds transferred to the new agencies of the UN System. At the end of World War II, of the existing three worldwide international health organizations, the OIHP, the League of Nations Health Organization and UNRRA, only UNRRA functioned effectively, building a bridge between the pre- and post-war international health work. The three organizations were soon to disappear with the establishment of WHO. Building upon the work and heritage of its predecessors, WHO was to continue most of their functions and activities (World Health Organization 1948; Beigbeder 1995).

In Africa, out of pocket spending accounts for almost 50 per cent of total health spending on average, and in 31 African countries, accounts for 30 per cent or more of total health spending (World Health Organization 2006b). In Cambodia and India, families typically pay 80 per cent of their health care costs as out of pocket expenses (World Health Organization 2000). Despite this demonstrated willingness to spend for health, and to embrace entrepreneurial models of delivery, the primary methods for disbursement of funds to poor countries continue to follow the age old charity model.

The historical analysis shows that TB control strategies have changed over time, in what the authors call a swinging pendulum. While until the late 1970s, TB strategies focused on a vertical approach promoting disease-specific measures, during the 1980s, the resources invested in fighting TB were substantially reduced in terms of both human capital and finances. This ‘downswing’ coincided with data suggesting that TB was under control, economic crises and, consequently, with reduced resources in general allocated to healthcare systems, and the emergence of a culture in public health of integrating managerial function and services rather than on fragmenting functions and resources in disease-specific programs.

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Health and Development: Toward a Matrix Approach by Anna Gatti, Andrea Boggio (eds.)

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