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By Stephen Mumford

ISBN-10: 0199259828

ISBN-13: 9780199259823

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She or he demonstrates ways of integrating professional and personal growth into her or his daily practice. The school leader models reflection and continuous growth by publicly disclosing and sharing her or his learning process and its relationship to organizational improvement. She or he uses personal and professional experiences as well as more formal learning opportunities as the basis for ongoing reflection and development. The leader actively integrates these opportunities and/or their results into the professional environment of the school to shape a culture that values reflection, inquiry, and continuous individual and organizational learning.

She or he is a skilled analyst of policy at local, regional, and national levels, particularly with respect to the effects of these policies on the opportunities and success of students at her or his site. She or he demonstrates understanding of local and state policymaking and successfully applies this knowledge to influence and shape policy that will support the achievement of key education goals. She or he demonstrates leadership among professional colleagues and in the larger community by facilitating dialogue on policy that furthers the pursuit of student achievement, equity, and educational excellence.

Addi- Effective school leaders are also knowledgeable about the state education code, district policy, and all contractual agreements that affect their site. They ensure that all work at the school complies with both the letter and the spirit of such agreements. Accomplished administrators carry out their work with a < 30 > professionalism based, among other things, on principles of fairness and integrity. They convey these principles in their communication and other interactions and establish expectations for high levels of professionalism among members of the staff as well.

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Dispositions by Stephen Mumford

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