Download e-book for kindle: What Is Ancient Philosophy? by Pierre Hadot

By Pierre Hadot

ISBN-10: 0674013735

ISBN-13: 9780674013735

A magisterial mappa mundi of the terrain that Pierre Hadot has so productively labored for many years, this bold paintings revises our view of historic philosophy—and in doing so, proposes that we alter the best way we see philosophy itself. Hadot takes old philosophy out of its prevalent realm of names, dates, and arid abstractions and crops it squarely within the thick of existence. via a meticulous old examining, he indicates how some of the faculties, tendencies, and ideas of historic Greek and Roman philosophy all tended towards one target: to supply a method for attaining happiness during this lifestyles, by way of reworking the individual’s mode of perceiving and being on this planet. such a lot urgent for Hadot is the query of ways the ancients conceived of philosophy. He argues in nice aspect, systematically masking the guidelines of the earliest Greek thinkers, Hellenistic philosophy, and past due antiquity, that historic philosophers have been involved not only to improve philosophical theories, yet to perform philosophy as a manner of life—a lifestyle to be steered, illuminated, and justified by means of their philosophical “discourse.” For the ancients, philosophical thought and the philosophical lifestyle have been inseparably associated. What Is historical Philosophy? additionally explains why this connection broke down, so much conspicuously when it comes to educational, expert philosophers, particularly below the effect of Christianity. ultimately, Hadot turns to the query of no matter if and the way this connection can be reestablished. at the same time it brings old ideas and thinkers to lifestyles, this invigorating paintings presents course if you happen to desire to enhance their lives through actual philosophical idea.

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The daimon has a re­ lation both to gods and to men; he plays a role in mystery initia­ tions, in the incantations which cure maladies of the soul and body, and in the communications which come from the gods to men, both while they are awake and while they are asleep. 6 On the day of Aphrodite's birth, the gods had a banquet. At the end of the meal, Penia (the name signifies "Poverty" or "Privation") came to beg. Poros ("Means," "Wealth;' "Expedient" ) was asleep at the T H E D E F I N I T I O N I N P L AT O ' S S YM P O S I U M 43 time, drunk on nectar, in Zeus' garden.

At most, he could be compared with Silenoi or Satyrs. He is atopos, meaning strange, extravagant, absurd, un­ classifiable, disturbing. "12 There is something fascinating about this unique personality, which. exerts a kind of magical attraction. 13 It is important to emphasize that Socrates acts upon his listeners in an irrational way, by the emotions he pro­ vokes and the love he inspires. , and thus probably during Plato's lifetime15-a disciple tells Socrates that, T H E F I G U R E O F S O C R AT E S 31 although he has not received any instruction from Socrates, he still makes progress when he is near him and touches him.

After forcing Agathon to admit this view, Socrates does not go on to set forth his own theory of Love; instead, he tells of what Diotima, priestess of Mantinea, made him understand about Love in a conversation he once had with her. Since Love exists relatively to something else, and to something which it lacks, it cannot be a god, as has wrongly been thought by all the other guests who have thus far praised Love. On the contrary, Love is only a daimon-a being that is in­ termediate between gods and men, immortals and mortals.

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What Is Ancient Philosophy? by Pierre Hadot

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