Download e-book for kindle: Western Trade Pressure on the Soviet Union: An by David W. Hunter

By David W. Hunter

ISBN-10: 0312062168

ISBN-13: 9780312062163

ISBN-10: 1131161181

ISBN-13: 9781131161181

ISBN-10: 1349120022

ISBN-13: 9781349120024

ISBN-10: 1349120049

ISBN-13: 9781349120048

Analyzes starting to be US-Soviet monetary interdependence and the consequences of monetary strain of their dating. From a assessment of US-Soviet monetary family, the writer concludes that US embargo recommendations opposed to the USSR some time past were futile, every now and then even counterproductive.

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Fitchett, who outlined the difficulty of a coordinated Allied response to measures less than fullscale invasion: In this mixed picture, different Western governments would be tempted to arrive at conflicting appraisals of what constituted unacceptable intervention ... the strength and duration of Western reprisals could be undermined by wrangling over allegedly unfair distribution of the cost. S. products - grain and foodstuffs - did not require a large output of labor, and because the percent of East bloc trade was small in comparison with the total Gross National Product (GNP).

From this point on, the policy moved to one of 'engagement' rather than 'containment,' of positive sanctions as an inducement to better Soviet behavior. THE SOVIET GRAIN SALE In 1963 President John F. S. grain sale to the Russians. 6 The meeting on 1 October 1963 indicated that the Soviets were interested in buying between $150 and $200 million of wheat. Up to this time grain had been under the strategic embargo and the President was faced with the difficulty of getting around the Congress' restrictions on trade with Russia, such as the Latta Amendment, in order to make the sale and win mid-western votes.

The first of these conditions was fear of an immediate invasion. Even the Korean War was seen by some as a diversionary tactic preceding a Soviet attack on Western Europe. The second condition, which was not so clearly stated, was the rationale that the embargo, denying trade to the badly damaged Russian economy, either would result in the collapse of Stalin's regime or would keep Stalin so weak that he would never represent a threat to the Western powers. What no one expected was that the Soviet state would be able to rebuild - at a great cost in lives and freedom - to the point that, even without the Marshall aid, it would match the West.

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Western Trade Pressure on the Soviet Union: An Interdependence Perspective on Sanctions by David W. Hunter

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