New PDF release: V. I. Lenin : Collected Works : Volume 4: 1898 - April 1901

By V. I. Lenin

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Instead of grouping factories according to the number of workers employed in them, Mr. Karyshev undertook a much simpler calculation, aimed at determining the average number of workers per factory. Since the data on the number of factories are, as we have seen, particularly unreliable, fortuitous, and dissimilar, the calculations are full of errors. Mr. Karyshev compares the average number of workers per factory in 1886 with the figure for 1894-95 and from this deduces that “the average type of factory is growing larger” (pp.

Such gubernias are to be found to the number of eight (pp. 39-40), and apropos of this Mr. Karyshev argues about “the retrograde movement in industry” in the “less industrial” gubernias and says that this “may serve as an indication of the difficult position of the small establishments in their competition with big establishments,” and so on. All these arguments would probably be very profound if—if they were not all completely fallacious. And here, too, Mr. Karyshev did not notice that he was comparing absolutely noncomparable and dissimilar data.

It must be conceded that the present system of collecting and processing statistical information on such big establishments (“factories and workers” in the prevailing terminology) is unsatisfactory in the highest degree. Its first shortcoming is the division of factory statistics among various “departments” and the absence of a special, purely statistical institution that centralises the collecting, checking, and classifying of all information on all types of factories. When you analyse the data of our present-day factory statistics you find yourself on territory that is intersected in all directions by the boundaries of various “departments” (which employ special ways and means of registration, and so on).

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V. I. Lenin : Collected Works : Volume 4: 1898 - April 1901 by V. I. Lenin

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