Download e-book for iPad: Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security by Christopher Hadnagy

36 Chapter 3: WAP Using Cold Fusion: A Project Code description ♦ Line 1 is used for indicating the content type being sent to the browser. ♦ Lines 2 – 6 are employed when you need to define and execute a query to search for the record in the database containing the DSN name as prototype for the given userid. ♦ Line 7 defines the WML prolog. ♦ Line 11 defines the meta tag used by the browser. ♦ Line 15 – In the first card, if condition is applied to check the number of records passed through the query specified in Line 2.

End of event declaration > 13. -- declaration of an action> 14. -- from script file> 15. 16. -- select list> 17. -- declaration of a select list> 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 00">Mix. Veg. wmls. The script file has two functions. Func1 is called from three link files to calculate the amount of the bill, and the function Initialize is called from the restaurant file to set the initial value of the browser variable TotalAmount to 0. wmls // © 2001 Dreamtech Software India Inc. // All Rights Reserved 1.

Here we’re explaining how WTA functionality can be used for these applications. The list of hotels in a locality, for example, can be pushed to the mobile device as a WML card. The card contains the hotel names and the telephone numbers. When a particular hotel is selected, a voice call is made to the given telephone number — making the voice call is the WTA function call. The main telephony-related functions available on a common wireless device are: ♦ Adding, searching, and updating the phonebook entries.

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Unmasking the Social Engineer: The Human Element of Security by Christopher Hadnagy

by Christopher

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