Understanding Poverty (Russell Sage Foundation Books at by Sheldon H. Danziger, Robert H. Haveman PDF

By Sheldon H. Danziger, Robert H. Haveman

ISBN-10: 0674007670

ISBN-13: 9780674007673

ISBN-10: 0674008766

ISBN-13: 9780674008762

Despite an unparalleled interval of progress and prosperity, the poverty price within the usa is still excessive relative to the degrees of the early Seventies and relative to these in lots of industrialized nations at the present time. figuring out Poverty brings the matter of poverty in the USA to the fore, targeting its nature and volume on the sunrise of the twenty-first century. in retrospect over the 4 many years because the kingdom declared conflict on poverty, the authors ask how the bad have fared out there economic system, what executive courses have and feature now not complete, and what is still performed. they assist us know the way alterations within the means the exertions marketplace operates, in relatives constitution, and in social welfare, health and wellbeing, and schooling regulations have affected tendencies in poverty. most importantly, they give feedback for alterations in courses and rules that carry actual promise for decreasing poverty and source of revenue inequality.

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Extra info for Understanding Poverty (Russell Sage Foundation Books at Harvard University Press)

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18 As noted earlier, the 1995 NRC panel recommended changing the current definition of household income. 1 percent using the same thresholds but a broader definition of income. Subtracting an estimate of work-related expenses from countable income reduces measured income and thus increases the poverty rate, although the reduction in counted income does not wholly offset the impact of broadening the income definition to include near-cash benefits and refundable tax credits (Short et al. 1999, 9–10).

The estimate of household resources should be comprehensive as well as appropriate given the way the thresholds are derived. The Census Bureau’s principal measure of income for estimating poverty includes before-tax cash income from all sources except gains or losses on the sale of property. This definition includes gross wages and salaries, net income from the operation of a farm, business, or partnership, pensions, interest, dividends, and government transfer payments distributed in the form of cash, including Social Security and public assistance benefits.

In particular, Durlauf explores the relationship of membershipbased theories of poverty with those associated with the concept of so- 22 Understanding Poverty cial capital, and he cites ongoing research that promises to reliably identify membership effects. Durlauf notes that the memberships framework has important implications for how we think about antipoverty policy, largely because of its emphasis on redistributing group memberships rather than income. Affirmative action, school busing, and charter schools are all examples of efforts to alter the pattern of social interactions by altering group composition.

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Understanding Poverty (Russell Sage Foundation Books at Harvard University Press) by Sheldon H. Danziger, Robert H. Haveman

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