Christopher L. Pallas (auth.)'s Transnational Civil Society and the World Bank: PDF

By Christopher L. Pallas (auth.)

ISBN-10: 1137277610

ISBN-13: 9781137277619

ISBN-10: 1349447277

ISBN-13: 9781349447275

Transnational civil society is frequently noticeable as a huge contributor to the democratization of world governance. of their engagement with the area financial institution, even if, transnational civil society companies prioritize pre-existing challenge over responsiveness to claimed stakeholders and undercut the authority of constructing kingdom governments.

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Clarifying debates in the literature Theories of civil society are more complementary (or deviations between them take place on clearly identifiable theoretical grounds) when they are viewed through the lens of role and context. g. Bernhard 1993; Fatton 1995; Fioramonti 2005; Kopecky and Mudde 2003). Such literature describes undemocratic regimes and judges civil society, usually positively, for its role in contesting them. According to the standards presented here, organizations involved in national democratizations should be judged based on their output legitimacy.

On the other hand, if liberal democracy is established, new legal or constitutional standards will be developed to govern representation and protect rights. Thus a CSO in this context does not necessarily need to manifest these standards itself. Civil society is not the government; it is the means of reforming the government. Revolutionary CSOs, like Solidarity in Poland, are judged to be democratically legitimate when their efforts succeed in establishing a democratic state. Conversely, revolutionary organizations that act on hierarchical or otherwise undemocratic lines may be looked upon skeptically if they attempt to govern national affairs in such a fashion after national democracy has been established.

A number of researchers have called into question civil society organizations’ motivations, representivity, and democratic credentials (Bowden 2006; Cooley and Ron 2002; Foley and Edwards 1996; Nelson 1997b). Even among those authors that hold that civil society can contribute positively towards global governance, one finds a variety of competing and sometimes contradictory prescriptions for judging the democratic contributions of individual TCSOs or TCS as a whole. Placing discussions of TCS within the larger context of discussions regarding democratic global governance, this chapter argues that TCS’s democratic credentials should not be judged based not on wholly endogenous factors like transparency or participation, but rather on its impact on the democratic rights of the populations it impacts.

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Transnational Civil Society and the World Bank: Investigating Civil Society’s Potential to Democratize Global Governance by Christopher L. Pallas (auth.)

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