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By Appleby, Joyce Oldham; Ball, Terence; Jefferson, Thomas

ISBN-10: 0511040253

ISBN-13: 9780511040252

ISBN-10: 0521640512

ISBN-13: 9780521640510

ISBN-10: 0521648416

ISBN-13: 9780521648417

ISBN-10: 113916435X

ISBN-13: 9781139164351

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Franklin, Benjamin (–) was a Philadelphia printer, selftaught scientist, sage, inventor, author, revolutionary, and diplomat. He was, by age and experience, the senior member of the committee that charged Jefferson with the task of drafting the Declaration of independence. Eleven years later the elderly Franklin helped draft the new United States Constitution. In the interim he served as American ambassador to France, where he was lionized as the epitome of American openness and candor. His contributions to American letters include his Autobiography and Poor Richard’s Almanac.

He wrote a number of legal and historical treatises. Taylor, John (–) exercised considerable influence in his day as a political thinker and agricultural promoter. A thoroughgoing Jeffersonian, he wrote a number of important treatises on constitutional issues and political economy. S. Senate. ) was a resident of Schoharie, New York, who corresponded with Jefferson in – about his plan for a chart of state governments and other sundry schemes. xliii Biographical synopses Wythe, George (–) took the lead in Virginia’s resistance to the Crown, serving in the Second Continental Congress and later with Jefferson revising the Virginia laws after Independence.

Benjamin Rush, Sept. -S.  To Charles Willson Peale, Aug.  To Dr. Benjamin Rush, Dec.  To John Adams, Jan.  To Dr. Walter Jones, Jan.  To John Adams, Aug.  To John Adams, Aug.  To John Adams, Oct.  To Thomas Jefferson Smith, Feb.  To John Adams, Dec.  To James Madison, Feb.  To Giovanni Fabbroni Williamsburg in Virginia, June ,  Dear Sir, – Your letter of Sep. .  from Paris comes safe to hand. We have not however had the pleasure of seeing Mr. De Cenis, the bearer of it in this country, as he joined the army in Pennsylvania as soon as he arrived.

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Thomas Jefferson, political writings by Appleby, Joyce Oldham; Ball, Terence; Jefferson, Thomas

by James

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