The Problem with Gemutlichkeit: (De)Constructing Artificial by Anna Catherine Souchuk PDF

By Anna Catherine Souchuk

This dissertation explores the various manifestations of position within the novels of
Josef Haslinger, Robert Menasse,and Elfriede Jelinek, 3 modern Austrian
authors. The study makes a speciality of the construction of inauthentic Austrian locations and the
segmentation of society into the disparate fields of privilege and drawback beneficial
for the development of facilities of tourism. This fragmentation of position posits an
inevitable fight among back and front areas, the result of that's usually
violence or dying. furthermore, the production of tourist-places necessitates the gathering of
artifacts, moments, and personalities, that are culled from the earlier and resurrected in
the current as inauthentic, albeit ecocnomic, place-identity.

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Fraser's father, then, is a record-keeper who, through photographs and graphic verbal descriptions, recreates his war experiences for each guest, describing in vivid detail the stench of carrion, and the heaps of corpses which only increased in size as each day passed (58). Kurt suggests that his father's constant exhibition of images and anecdotes is not just a habit; rather, it becomes an obsessive ritual that must be carried out, regardless of the impression made. He is compelled, decades after the liberation in Bergen-Belsen, to repeat that he was part of the project there, uncovering perhaps the blackest of back places in human history.

Der Polier hielt den Handeisenschneider wie ein Maschinengewehr. Dem alten Bosnier, auf den die anderen horten stand das Maul offen. Einige traten hinter ihn. Da fand er die Sprache wieder. ' 'Ja, ich will Krieg,' schrie der Polier. (80-81) The animosity at the construction site has devolved into sheer, racist rage. Perhaps more disturbing than the declaration of "war" between the Kapo and Bosnian, however, is der Ingenieur's increasingly numb response to the frequent "Heil Hitler" toast. Most children raised by parents of the wartime generation were drilled, at least as part of school curricula, on the evils of National Socialism and the taboos surrounding fascist rituals.

Eine Erballergie. (472) 34 The generational aspect of Rupert's anti-fascist upbringing is demonstrated in his initial knee-jerk reaction to Mimi's proposal. He reacts to her request with a nervousness and disconcert that borders on the reflexive in its immediacy; specifically, he names his own grandfather's experience in Dachau and his "inherited allergy" to National Socialism as his personal reasons for rejecting her proposal. Yet Mimi persuades him to wait until the following day before he decides to leave; she believes she can prove to Rupert by then that Uncle Lucas is in fact innocent (473).

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The Problem with Gemutlichkeit: (De)Constructing Artificial Places in the Novels of Josef Haslinger, Robert Menasse, and Elfriede Jelinek by Anna Catherine Souchuk

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