Download PDF by Phoebe Moore (auth.): The International Political Economy of Work and

By Phoebe Moore (auth.)

ISBN-10: 023029443X

ISBN-13: 9780230294431

ISBN-10: 1349355593

ISBN-13: 9781349355594

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First, authors like Cranmer (2006) began to doubt that employable skills can be acquired in the classroom, and advocate a return to on the job training and learning by doing or, on the other hand, actual involvement of employers into curricula. One study by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) (Mason et al. 2006) throws doubt on the idea that educators in the classroom of higher education can actually have an impact or improve the chances for graduates’ employability, but encourages increased direct involvement and investment of employers into education to aid in graduates’ obtaining of employment.

The difference in theorising discourse in the Foucauldian framework and common sense from a Gramscian perspective is that Gramsci imagined a ‘correct’ way of thinking that is not evident in cases of common sense (in fact he designated the correct way of thinking as ‘good sense’). The idea of discourse and power is that there are multiple ways of thinking that could become discourses, and Foucault was not committed to identifying the ‘correct’ way. Often, confusion regarding definitions and interpretations of what employability represents is evident, and one study looks at the employability of geography graduates in Estonia, the US, Chile, Greece, the UK, Italy, and Spain.

Skills and subjectivity The transformation of skills expectations is increasingly becoming internationalised, and is considered crucial for knowledge production and workers’ employability, which includes methods of learning that require creativity, and andragogical learning capabilities that must become subjectively inculcated and personally developed for ‘learner-worker’s’ (Williams 2005) ongoing employability. Sturdy et al. (1992) contrasts the concept of a manual worker who stops working when ‘coercion is removed’ (Mann 1973: 23 quoted in Sturdy et al.

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The International Political Economy of Work and Employability by Phoebe Moore (auth.)

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