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By Peter E. Papa Petros

ISBN-10: 354033663X

ISBN-13: 9783540336631

Royal Perth health facility, Western Australia. makes use of vital conception framework to offer anatomical foundation for plenty of pelvic flooring dysfunctions, a diagnostic method to diagnose which constructions are inflicting the matter, simulated operations to ascertain the analysis, and a brand new method of non-surgical treatment. For clinicians. past version: c2004.

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2-30 The’ sail analogy ‘– a loose vagina cannot be tensioned sufficiently to close off the urethra. a taut sail cannot be driven forwards, so an untensioned vagina cannot be stretched forward to close off the urethra, or support the stretch receptors. The Positive Effect of Uterine Conservation in Preserving Ligament Integrity Patients undergoing hysterectomy are much more likely to suffer from urinary dysfunction later in life, and the incontinence is likely to be more severe (Brown 2000). It follows that the uterus should be conserved where possible in vaginal surgery.

Sagittal section. Arrows represent the directional closure forces. Relaxation of PCM allows the LP/LMA vector to open out the outflow tract. 2 18 The Female Pelvic Floor The Precervical Arc of Gilvernet 2 The precervical arc of Gilvernet (fig 2-06) is essentially a thickened insertion of PVL in the anterior wall of the bladder. This structure limits posterior displacement of the anterior bladder wall. It prevents inward collapse of the anterior bladder wall during micturition and it is rotated downwards to close off the bladder neck during stress.

2-01 Vagina and urethra have no inherent shape or strength when the suspensory ligaments are severed. Likewise, loose ligaments weaken the muscle forces which provide form and function to healthy organs. PUL = pubourethral ligament; USL = uterosacral ligament. 2 The Role of Ligaments, Muscles and Fascia in Creating Form, Strength and Function The pelvic organs, urethra, vagina and rectum, have no inherent form, structure or strength. Form, structure and strength are created by the synergistic action of ligaments, fascia and muscles.

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The Female Pelvic Floor: Function, Dysfunction and Management According to the Integral Theory by Peter E. Papa Petros

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