The Digital Afterlives of Jane Austen: Janeites at the by Kylie Mirmohamadi (auth.) PDF

By Kylie Mirmohamadi (auth.)

ISBN-10: 1137401338

ISBN-13: 9781137401335

ISBN-10: 1349486361

ISBN-13: 9781349486366

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Writers apologise for delays in updating and adding new material, and the most commonly occurring reader comment across all our Austen stories is to implore the writer to update their chapters. 24 Wattpad readers are loquacious in their immediate response to stories as they develop episodically. 1’), and potential outcomes (‘Me thinks he [Wickham] is in love with Darcy, assuming he’s gay and all’). These the writers answer in the light of their own advance knowledge, but also in awareness of the anticipatory desires and narrative requirements of the serial form.

In the course of the narrative the two follow clues left by Jane Austen through literary London (one of the clues pertains to both Northanger Abbey and Radcliffe’s The Mysteries of Udolpho) and Bath. 40 In common with the other Austen spin off texts featured in this chapter, the paratextual multimedia material attached to Following Jane reflects a propensity to conflate different types of Austenian representation into a textual whole, flattening differences that literary scholars would perhaps emphasise.

Com/topic/show/637676remembrance-by-michelle-madow—— inspired-by-taylor-swift-s-love-story. Net, a major fan fiction site, lists 440 results for the search terms ‘taylor swift love story’, some of which are parody [accessed 1 June 2013].  Lloyd Jones, Mister Pip, London: John Murray, 2007 [2006], 196. See Beverly Taylor, ‘Discovering New Pasts: Victorian Legacies in the Postcolonial Worlds of Jack Maggs and Mister Pip’, Victorian Studies 52:1, 2009, 95.  Alexandra Potter, Me and Mr. Darcy, New York: Ballantine, 2007.

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The Digital Afterlives of Jane Austen: Janeites at the Keyboard by Kylie Mirmohamadi (auth.)

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