Chiu-Sam Tsang and Edmund King (Auth.)'s Society, Schools and Progress in China PDF

By Chiu-Sam Tsang and Edmund King (Auth.)

ISBN-10: 0080128440

ISBN-13: 9780080128443

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T h e stubborn resistance which the Chinese put up in face of the superior weapons of the American forces won for China a good deal of prestige. T h e way they succeeded in winning over numerous American prisoners of war to their side by what the Western world calls "brain-washing technique" was startling. Truce was finally transacted in June 1953 at the 38° parallel, The Historical Background 33 which has since remained the dividing line between pro-Chinese North Korea and pro-American South Korea.

But when Germany was finally defeated, China did not get its share of the reward as a participant on the side of the allies. Instead, it suffered humiliation. Conference T h e Japanese delegation at in Paris demanded the the transfer of the Peace German concessions in China to Japan, which had been prearranged by "secret diplomacy. Liang Chi-chao, a Chinese delegate at Paris and a great Chinese scholar in his own right, telegraphed Chinese people of the impending national humiliation. the The 20 Society, Schools and Progress in China famous Student M o v e m e n t under the leadership of the students in Peking broke out on 4 M a y 1919 in protest against the signing of the Treaty of Versailles; many university professors also participated.

Unless this awareness is alert, one's hope of understanding the tactics and the propaganda of communism is small. T h e reason why many Chinese patriots w h o joined the Chinese Communist regime were later disappointed and persecuted is that they had failed to understand that "people" meant different things to them and to the Communists. By the time they realized the difference it was already too late. So either the so-called "democratic elements" have to admit their negligence in failing to understand the different meanings of the term "people" when they joined the Coalition Government, or else the Communists have to be accused of breach of promise in failing to live up to their word when they asked the democratic elements to come to their alliance.

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Society, Schools and Progress in China by Chiu-Sam Tsang and Edmund King (Auth.)

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