Get Reversible Computation: 6th International Conference, RC PDF

By Shigeru Yamashita, Shin-ichi Minato

ISBN-10: 3319084933

ISBN-13: 9783319084930

ISBN-10: 3319084941

ISBN-13: 9783319084947

This e-book constitutes the refereed complaints of the sixth overseas convention on Reversible Computation, RC 2014, held in Kyoto, Japan, in July 2014. The 14 contributions offered including 3 invited talks have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from 27 submissions. The papers are geared up in topical sections on automata for reversible computation; notation and languages for reversible computation; synthesis and optimization for reversible circuits; validation and illustration of quantum logic.

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Therefore, if there is a chain of errors we will only see a parity flip for the two unit cells at the endpoint of the error chain. In the case of isolated errors, endpoints are of neighbouring cells. Hence decoding the error correction information requires us to match up the endpoints (which we detect via the calculation of a cells parity) with the actual physical sets of errors that occurred (which are not directly detected. In quantum information we assign a probability, p, that a given qubit will experience a bit (X) and/or phase (Z) error over some time interval, t.

Energy-Efficient Single Flux Quantum Technology. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 21, 760–769 (2011) 28. : Ultra-low-power superconductor logic. J. Appl. Phys. 109, 103903 (2011) 29. 0-aJ/bit Operation of Ultra-Low-Energy Rapid Single-Flux-Quantum Shift Registers. Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 51, 053102 (2012) 30. : Measurement of 10 zJ energy dissipation of adiabatic quantum-flux-parametron logic using a superconducting resonator. Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 052602 (2013) 31. 5 mW Josephson 4Kbit RAM operated at a high bit yield.

We denote by prf k (w) the longest prefix of w which has length at most k and analogously by suf k (w) the longest suffix of w which has length at most k. 42 M. Kutrib and T. Worsch In the following we consider computing machines with a finite number of discrete internal states. The machines have a read-only input tape, may be equipped with further resources, and evolve in discrete time, where each computation step is driven by a deterministic transition function δ. Given a configuration representing the complete “global state” of a device, the transition function is used to compute the successor configuration resulting after one step.

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Reversible Computation: 6th International Conference, RC 2014, Kyoto, Japan, July 10-11, 2014. Proceedings by Shigeru Yamashita, Shin-ichi Minato

by Jeff

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