Download e-book for iPad: Regionalism and Africa’s Development: Expectations, Reality by S.K.B. Asante

By S.K.B. Asante

ISBN-10: 031217697X

ISBN-13: 9780312176976

ISBN-10: 1349257796

ISBN-13: 9781349257799

ISBN-10: 1349257818

ISBN-13: 9781349257812

A serious appraisal of regionalism as a key procedure in Africa's improvement explaining the disasters to date of makes an attempt at neighborhood integration at the continent. this can be the 1st textual content to focus on the most beneficial properties of the hot post-1990 local tasks akin to the all-embracing African financial group and international financial institution, IMF, African improvement financial institution, EC and French projects and the demanding situations to Africa from buying and selling blocs in different places within the post-Uruguay around environment.

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Granted many features are the same; but many other features - important on es - are different. First, for example, we may readily point to important differences in infrastructure, market mechanisms, external dependence, administrative resources, political group structure, interdependence of social sectors, national consciousness, and ideology. Amitai Etzioni has thus argued that limited horizons, lack of administrative and political skilJs, and preoccupation with problems of Regionalism and African Development Strategy 25 domestic modernization all present major barriers to successful integration efforts in the developing world.

Its merits as a desirable strategy for a large number of African states have been weil documented in various studies on African development 27 and reflected in virtually all recent internal or external action programmes or guidelines for sub-Saharan Africa. 28 These studies assign a major development role to economic cooperation and integration. The strategy of regionalism was given a new lease oflife with the adoption in April 1980 ofthe Lagos Plan ojAction (LPA) and the Final Act ofLagos (FAL) in which African leaders committed themselves to the 'creation, at the national, subregional and regional levels, of a dynamic and interdependent African economy' and thereby pave the way for the essential establishment of an African common market leading to an African economic community.

55 In spite of exports, many African countries showed throughout the 1970s a pattern of sluggish economic growth, low levels of productivity, a circumscribed and fractured industrial base, high dependence on a vulnerably narrow spectrum of primary export commodities, low levels oflife expectancy, and widening deficits on the aggregate current accounts of the balance of payments. Real per capita income dec1ined while the rate of inflation approximately doubled, reaching an average annual rate of over 20 per cent during 1977-9.

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Regionalism and Africa’s Development: Expectations, Reality and Challenges by S.K.B. Asante

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