Download e-book for kindle: Profiles and Portfolios: A guide for nurses and midwives by Cathy Hull

By Cathy Hull

ISBN-10: 0333606841

ISBN-13: 9780333606841

ISBN-10: 1349133663

ISBN-13: 9781349133666

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Reflection in the context of learning suggests that the reflective practitioner is: conducting a conversation with herself. The conversation has a critical edge to it, for the professional is always asking the question: what if . . Being faced with fresh problems to which there is no single answer, and no one right answer, the professional has the responsibility to appraise the situation and formulate an effective strategy. The effective professional has, accordingly, to be continually self-critical.

Are they dear and easy to use? Are they appropriate (both in level and content)? Can they be photocopied easily? Can you obtain more copies if necessary? Do they look professional? Workbooks Some profiles include workbooks and materials. • • • Is the language dear and accessible? Is the spine strong, or will it crack with perpetual use? Will it be easy to use? Considering the layout is also important. • • • Is it attractive and appealing? Does it interest you? Will you be able to move around the materials easily and can you open the workbook at any point and begin?

The CAT scheme is based on the principle that appropriate learning should be given academic credit wherever it occurs, provided that it can be assessed. So, a significant aspect of the scheme is the flexibility it allows in the mode of attendance and the locations of study. It also means, in theory, that if you move from one geographical area to another, you can transfer credit from one institution to another. Neither is credit lost if you have a break in your studies. In reality there are sometimes practical problems encoun- GETIING TO GRIPS WITH THE TERMINOLOGY 29 tered by students when they try to get one university to accept credit from another.

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Profiles and Portfolios: A guide for nurses and midwives by Cathy Hull

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