Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Matador - download pdf or read online

By J. Atkinson

ISBN-10: 1349124338

ISBN-13: 9781349124336

ISBN-10: 1349124354

ISBN-13: 9781349124350

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Previous research had highlighted the wide difference between design features and manufacturing features. It is appreciated that as the research progresses, the designer's intent regarding both dimensional and VALIDATION OF 2 112D COMPONENTS a) sloping faces to the approach direction, b) cylindrical faces with their axes at a slope to the approach direction, c) other non-planar faces, d) blind (or overhung) horizontal faces. =NULL) { SURFACE *sf= f1->geometry(); int sf_type = sf->identity(SURFACE_LEVEL+1); if(sf_type == PLANE_TYPE) { I* fn is a unit vector normal to face *I unit_vector fn =((PLANE *)sf)->normal(); *I I* find all sloping faces to 'z', and I* if so, the component Is not 2 1120 *I *I I* v3 is a unit vector (0,0,1) *I I* representing •z• direction I* fn%v3 is dot product of fn and v3 *I if(fabs(fn%v3) < 1 && fabs(fn%v3) > 0) { slp_f_z++; } } f1 = f1->next_face () ; } s1 = s1->next (); } } lp1 = lp1->next(); Figure 1, Sloping face identifier The conditions a), b) and c) can be tested by direct interrogation of the ACIS modeller through C + + tools.

As an example, the knowledge to be used for defining the inheritance relationships between features (parent-child relationships) to be used later by the system for set-up determination can be stated as: Each feature can have any number of real faces and a fixed number of imaginary faces defined by its classification class. An imaginary face is an access direction through which a tool can pass to machine the feature and is linked to the real faces of adjacent features. Any real surface is considered to be the parent of any number of imaginary surfaces (child) whose boundary is contained within the boundary of that real surface.

YUE AND J. CORNEY therefore fixed vice clamping can be adopted. But Figure 7b shows the case where the length of clamping area is smaller than the length of the jaws, so the jaws must be moved to give cutting access and moveable vice clamping is employed. When the second fixing setup is made, the component is then moved. To ease the component positioning, the component is manually placed to a rough location and the precise position is detected by a probing device. 33 clamping is examined in the same way as for fixed vice clamping but with more consideration of the machining sequence and the cutting access for each setup.

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Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Matador Conference: held in Manchester 6th–7th April 1992 by J. Atkinson

by Christopher

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