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By Sophie Body-Gendrot, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (auth.)

ISBN-10: 1137428007

ISBN-13: 9781137428004

ISBN-10: 1349491314

ISBN-13: 9781349491315

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0004 3 Visible Minorities: Citizenship and Discrimination Abstract: For a long time, there has been a strong reluctance to consider police relations with visible populations from inner cities as one of the main causes of urban violence. France has a 30-year history of urban riots, most of them linked to feelings of discrimination in the minds of young contenders of urban conflicts. In Britain, urban disorder opposing police and young men, frequently belonging to minorities, is of low intensity, but hurtful to the localities where they occur.

Ethnicities are increasingly mixed and all groups intermarried. 1 of the population). Minorities are young (25 under 10) and only 5 of them are over 60. All groups except Indians have unemployment rates that are more than double the rate of the white population according to the Policy exchange report published in May 2014. A co-author of the report, Rishi Sunak emphasizes that ethnic minorities are not one homogeneous political group. They differ in education, employment, housing, trust in the police, and issues affecting their communities.

The goal of the Founding Fathers was not efficiency, as Justice Brandheis observed, but the limitation of an arbitrary use of power. For T. Jefferson, the best state was the state that governed the less. 0004 Contexts of Grievances  the American President and a remark by Harry Truman comes to mind: “I sit all day long, trying to convince people to do what it stands to reason they should do without my need to convince them” (Neustadt, 1960: 40). The Presidential institution was not intended to be efficient.

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Policing the Inner City in France, Britain, and the US by Sophie Body-Gendrot, Catherine Wihtol de Wenden (auth.)

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