New PDF release: North American Species of Lactarius

By L.R. Hesler

ISBN-10: 0472084402

ISBN-13: 9780472084401

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The terms glutinous (slimy), viscid (sticky), subviscid (not so sticky), and lubricous (slippery) are used to designate various degrees of the character state. Environmental conditions greatly influence the expression sliminess of a pileus. " If one tries to take hold of a stipe which is viscid or slimy, the slime slips through his fingers leaving slime upon them. If the weather has dried out and the humidity is lower, the basidiocarp may be "dry" to the touch, but have a varnished appearance. The degree of viscidity, as determined by the touch test, is not of great taxonomic significance since it varies directly with weather conditions.

Corrugis. Statistics In the present account we have recognized 200 species and 60 varieties. Singer (1962) admitted 105 in his survey of the genus. Neuhoff (1956) treated 69 in his survey of the European flora. Seventy-six previously undescribed species and 36 varieties for a total of 112 taxa out of 260 are included in the present work. This ratio is not out of line with that found in other genera such as Pholiota, Ga/erina, Mycena, and so forth. We have no record of the exact number of collections examined.

Whether the gills are broad or narrow cannot be judged by their measured width at the widest point. In a pileus 25 cm broad, gills that are 15 mm deep may actually appear narrow, yet in a cap 3 cm broad, gills that are 3 mm deep may appear broad. 30 North American Species of Lactarius The Stipe Shape. In almost all North American Lactarii, the stipe is cylindric and centrally attached. A laterally stipitate (pleurotoid) species, L. panuoides Singer, has been described from Trinidad (Kew Bull. 3: 300.

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North American Species of Lactarius by L.R. Hesler

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