Keith Frayn's Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective, Third Edition PDF

By Keith Frayn

ISBN-10: 1405183594

ISBN-13: 9781405183598

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All these proteins, ABC-A1, ABC-G5, and ABC-G8, are expressed in enterocytes (small intestinal absorptive cells). 5). An unrelated protein was discovered through identification of the gene responsible for a rare disorder of lipid storage, Niemann-Pick disease (type C). This protein is called Niemann-Pick C1-like protein 1, NPC1L1. It also turns out to be a cholesterol transporter. The way in which these transporters interact to bring about specific absorption of cholesterol from the intestine will be covered in Chapter 3.

The expression of all these transporters is tissue specific, and their properties are an integral part of the regulation of glucose metabolism in the particular tissue. 1. , passive transport, only). 1 Name GLUT1 GLUT2 Tissue distribution Erythrocytes, fetal tissue, placenta, brain blood vessels Liver, kidney, intestine, pancreatic β-cell Approximate K m (for inward transport of glucose or a glucose analog) Size (no. 3 Probably responsible for fructose uptake from intestine The sodium-glucose cotransporter of the small intestine (not part of the same family as GLUT1–5).

In addition, there is a third means of movement: active transport, in which substances may move up a concentration gradient – that is, from a lower concentration to a higher one. This can only be brought about by the supply of energy, either electrical (charge on the membrane) or chemical; for instance, the Na+ -K+ -ATPase is a membrane protein that hydrolyzes ATP and pumps sodium ions out of cells against a strong concentration gradient, and potassium ions in – also against a strong concentration gradient.

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Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective, Third Edition by Keith Frayn

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