Download e-book for iPad: Listen, Little Man! (Noonday, 271) by Wilhelm Reich

By Wilhelm Reich

ISBN-10: 0374504016

ISBN-13: 9780374504014

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It is your only hope. You remember the day, Little Woman, when you sat in my study, brimming over with hatred for the man who had separated from you? For many years you had had him under your thumb, together with your mother and your aunts and grand- nephews and cousins, until he began to shrink, for he had to take care of you and all your relatives. Finally, he pulled himself loose, in a last effort to maintain his feeling for life; and since he was not strong enough to gain his inner freedom from you, he came to me.

Instead of going on yelling, Heil, and decorating the tomb of the ‘Unknown Solders’ instead of letting your Prince Inflatus or your Marshal of all proletarians trample your national consciousness, you should oppose them with your self-confidence and your work consciousness. (I know your ‘Unknown Soldier’ well, Little Man. I got to know him when I fought in the Italian mountains. He is the same little man as you, who believed not to have an opinion of his own and who said, ‘Who am I, anyhow …’) You could get to know your brother, the little man in Japan in China in any Hun country and could let him know your correct opinion of your job as a worker, physician, farmer, father or husband and could convince him finally that all he has to do to make any war impossible is to adhere to his work and his love.

That’s why the great man has kept at a distance from you ever since the world has been writing its history. ‘He is a megalomaniac! ’ I know, Little Man, you are quick with the diagnosis of craziness when you meet a truth you don’t like. And you feel yourself as the ‘homo normalis’. You have locked up crazy people, and the normal people manage this world. Who then is to blame for all the misery? Not you, of course, you only do your duty, and who are you to have an opinion of your own? I know, you don’t have to repeat it.

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Listen, Little Man! (Noonday, 271) by Wilhelm Reich

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