Download PDF by Yasemin Gülbahar, Erinç Karataş (eds.): Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives:

By Yasemin Gülbahar, Erinç Karataş (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3319099574

ISBN-13: 9783319099576

ISBN-10: 3319099582

ISBN-13: 9783319099583

This e-book constitutes the refereed lawsuits of the seventh foreign convention on Informatics in colleges: scenario, Evolution, and views, ISSEP 2014, held in Istanbul, Turkey, in September 2014. The thirteen complete papers offered including 2 keynotes have been conscientiously reviewed and chosen from 33 submissions. the focal point of the convention used to be on following subject matters: Competence technological know-how schooling, Competence dimension for Informatics, rising applied sciences and instruments for Informatics, instructor schooling in Informatics, and Curriculum Issues.

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Additional info for Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives: 7th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, September 22-25, 2014. Proceedings

Example text

Today, data is captured continuously in daily life, for example obviously by smartphones and tablets, but also in a more hidden way by cars, smart electricity meters, and such. With the ability to analyze such large amounts of data, large parts of daily life may be reconstructed and users profiles may be generated. By combining information from different sources, gathering private data like friendship relations, hobbies, habits and so on, is possible. This applies not only for obviously private data, like friendship relations, or for personal data like name and birth date, but also for data that seem harmless at the first glance: particularly meta-data, like date and time a text message was sent on or the position a photo was taken at.

But when using data analysis methods, static data modeling will still be relevant for providing an overview over data sets. Also, especially when combining different data sets, it will be necessary to visualize data structures as in most cases these data sets are not aligned for being combined, because at the moment of structuring, future uses are often unknown. Additionally, when working with NoSQL databases, the relevance of static data modeling will decrease, because these databases do not enforce a data schema.

These challenges when using the more or less standard RDBMS led to the development of non-relational database management systems, commonly known as NoSQL databases. This term is meanwhile used as a generic name for all non-relational databases and is interpreted as “not only SQL”1 [11]. The main characteristics of NoSQL databases are [11]: – a non-relational data model, – distributed and horizontally scalable, – schema-free or only with weak restrictions on schema. Also, in contrary to traditional databases, the NoSQL databases do not guarantee the ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) [12].

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Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives: 7th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, September 22-25, 2014. Proceedings by Yasemin Gülbahar, Erinç Karataş (eds.)

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