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By Markus Wiencke, Mirella Cacace, Sebastian Fischer

ISBN-10: 3319323296

ISBN-13: 9783319323299

ISBN-10: 3319323318

ISBN-13: 9783319323312

This publication goals at exploring the hyperlink among company and organizational tradition, private and non-private rules, management and managerial talents or attitudes, and the profitable implementation of work-related healthcare in Europe. consequently it brings jointly quite a lot of empirical and theoretical contributions from occupational healthiness, administration, psychology, drugs, economics, and (organizational) sociology to deal with the query of ways to sustainably advertise occupational health and wellbeing. Such vital questions are explored as: What points of a company tradition should be linked to well-being matters? How does management variety impact the well-being of staff? How are health-related judgements within the office stricken by the political surroundings? To what quantity are interventions encouraged through company tradition, management and public coverage? How do we make such interventions sustainable?

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Institutional theory does not emphasize interpretive and cultural depth and, as a consequence, may overemphasize homogeneity and conflate meaning. Nevertheless, it draws attention to valuable macro aspects of meaning creation and the numerous studies concerning this clearly indicate a need to go outside the individual organizational level and consider macro aspects in operation. In contrast to the macro view, a micro or local perspective typically views an organization as the macro context and cultures within it as the more important phenomena.

All point to the open nature of “health” and how a variety of potential cultural meanings are attributed to it, framing interpretation and guiding action for dealing with “health problems”. (We sometimes use quotation marks to indicate that what is referred to as “health” is not self-evidently the best or only way of referring to it. ). 1 Health, Well-Being and Positive Attitudes to Work and Oneself Being “healthy” is not a discrete, crystal clear category; contemporary understandings tend to include and/or overlap ideas such as well-being and positive attitudes.

Other macro-level foci may include societal trends and dynamics, including the effects of consumerism, hedonism, narcissism, changes in work morality, and disinclinations to submit to authority in many countries (Alvesson 2013b). These are not merely external, society-level phenomena but are also (re-) produced at work-place levels. Rather than, or at least in addition to studying culture as such on different, neatly separated levels, it is preferable to look at the interplay between overall changes and what seems to happen at the local, organizational level, for example, in terms of reception, transformation, and resistance.

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Healthy at Work : Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Markus Wiencke, Mirella Cacace, Sebastian Fischer

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