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By Steven R. Fischer

ISBN-10: 1461222982

ISBN-13: 9781461222989

ISBN-10: 1461274907

ISBN-13: 9781461274902

1 IN ODYSSEUS'S WAKE 1 1 emblems thirteen three the hot LABYRINTH forty seven four THE SKEIN OF ARIADNE sixty five S "HEAR YE, CRETANS AND GREEKS!" ninety three 6 THE conflict OF NAXOS 119 7 RAPANUI 139 eight TALKI NG forums OF TH E PACI FIC 153 nine ATOP TERE VAKA 167 10 "ALL THE BIRDS ... " 187 eleven browsing THE RONGORONGO 205 advised interpreting 223 Index 227 A "glyph" (short for hieroglyph) is an indication in a script. And a "breaker" is anyone who cracks a script's code. A "glyph­ breaker" is then a decipherer, a person who shall we us learn the unreadable, that linguistic magician who supplies voice to the mute earlier. until eventually 1984 nobody were capable of learn Crete's 3600-year­ previous Phaistos Disk, Europe's earliest literature and maximum written enigma. till 1994 nobody can make experience of Easter Island's mysterious Iongorongo writing, Oceania's simply script predating the 20 th century. not anyone had ever deciphered thoroughly various old scripts prior to. previously. this can be the genuine tale of those achievements.

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4 Michael Ventris's first phonetic "grid," included in his Work Note of lanuary 28, 1951. - LOGOS 33 ship. His abstract grid of vowel and consonant positions proved indispensable in the process of linguistic retrieval. It ultimately allowed or confirmed the assigning of specific phonetic values for each inscrutable Linear B glyph. How could the English battle so victoriously so soon after the American Alice Kober had had to retreat because she lacked sufficient ammunition? Well, the English didn't, actually.

How else is one to account for the hundredweight sack of wheat to Melos and talents of bronze from Cyprus and the wine and gold-work to Mycenae and Pylos and the longships full of priceless medicines and purple cloth and carved ivories and salted mutton destined for the rich Egyptian market at Avaris? How else is a Minos to know what reserves he possesses? How else are the taxmen to calculate what each of the hundred towns of Crete owes the Labyrinth at Knossos? And so, out of economic necessity, a script is born.

C. The combined efforts of treasure hunter Hamilton Lang, British consul at Larnaka, Cyprus; George Smith, cuneiform expert at the British Museum, London; and especially the Hellenic expert Moritz Schmidt of Germany showed Linear C to comprise an open syllabic script reproducing the Cyprian Greek language. The decipherment of Linear C was first made possible by locating, on coins from different towns, the word "king" each time followed by a second group of Linear C signs. Lang reasoned with ordered common sense that this second group had to give the actual name of each respective king.

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GlyphBreaker by Steven R. Fischer

by Steven

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