New PDF release: El-Hajj Beshir Agha

By Jane Hathaway

ISBN-10: 1851683909

ISBN-13: 9781851683901

An exploration of the legacy of El-Hajj Beshir, leader Eunuch of the Ottoman Imperial Harem within the early 18th century, and a hugely influential proponent of the Hanafi criminal ceremony.

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The importance of such architectural monuments will be discussed in chapter 10. Relations with Egypt’s grandees How long Beshir Agha stayed in Cairo at this juncture is unknown; he was there for perhaps a year or two at most. We do know that he lived in the house that his agent Hasan Agha had purchased for him on the shores of Birkat al-Fil; only a decade or so later would elite residences begin to migrate northwest to Azbakiyya. By 1713, Beshir’s ostensible “master” and possible first owner, the long-time chief financial officer of Egypt, Ismail Bey, was dead, as were the two military commanders who, with him, had dominated Egypt during the 1690s.

They appointed their own clients as chief harem eunuch and made life uncomfortable for chief eunuchs who did not enjoy this status. At least one chief eunuch who was not linked to them in this fashion actually requested exile to Cairo, knowing that the Köprülüs would not tolerate his remaining in the imperial capital, where he might have attempted to counter their strategies. In this context, it seems likely that Yusuf Agha was a Köprülü protégé. Although members of the Köprülu family occupied the office of grand vizier sporadically well into the eighteenth century, their influence never equaled that of their seventeenth-century forebears.

In 1713, under one of Chorlulu Ali’s successors, Beshir Agha was exiled to Cyprus along with the then chief harem eunuch Uzun (“Tall”) Süleyman Agha. This may have had to do with the new Ottoman offensive against Venice, as a result of which the Ottomans, by taking the southern Greek mainland in 1715, captured the last of Venice’s possessions in the Aegean Sea. The harem eunuchs may have been regarded as having uncomfortably close ties to Venetian merchants, who purveyed some of the trinkets mentioned above, as well as the more costly luxury goods to be described in chapter 7.

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El-Hajj Beshir Agha by Jane Hathaway

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