Doing History: investigating With Children in Elementary and by Linda S. Levstik PDF

By Linda S. Levstik

ISBN-10: 0585375224

ISBN-13: 9780585375229

ISBN-10: 0805835628

ISBN-13: 9780805835625

Doing heritage: Investigating with little ones in easy and center colleges 2d variation by way of Keith C. Barton. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2001

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Afghanistan is a more effective barrier in the hands of its own fierce tribes than it would be as a part of British territory. A parallel may be drawn between the part it has played of late years and that which Armenia played in the ancient world from the days of Augustus to those of Heraclius. Both countries had been the seats of short-lived Empires, Armenia in the days of Tigranes, Afghanistan in those of Ahmed Shah. Both are wild and rugged regions, the dwellingplaces of warlike races. Christian Armenia was hostile from religious sentiment to the enemies whom Rome had to fear, the Persian Fire-worshippers.

Here let an interesting contrast be noted. The Roman Emperors were despots at home in Italy, almost as much, and ultimately quite as much, as in the provinces. The English govern their own country on democratic, India on absolutist principles. The inconsistency is patent but inevitable. It affords an easy theme for declamation when any arbitrary act of the Indian administration gives rise to complaints,and it may fairly be used as the foundation for an argument that a people which enjoys freedom at home is specially bound to deal justly and considerately with those subjects to whom she refuses a like freedom.

These contingents may be compared with the auxiliary barbarian troops under non-Roman commanders whom we find in the later ages of Rome, after Constantine. Such commanders proved sometimes, like the Vandal Stilicho, energetic defenders of the imperial throne, sometimes, like the Suevian Ricimer, formidable menaces to it 2. But apart from these, the Romans had but one army; and it was an army in which all subjects had an equal chance of rising. In a civil career, the native of India may go higher under the English than he can in a military one.

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Doing History: investigating With Children in Elementary and Middle Schools 2nd Edition by Linda S. Levstik

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