Download PDF by David Reisman: Alfred Marshall’s Mission

By David Reisman

ISBN-10: 0312044917

ISBN-13: 9780312044916

ISBN-10: 1349115428

ISBN-13: 9781349115426

ISBN-10: 1349115444

ISBN-13: 9781349115440

Marshall's theories of monetary and social development are defined on the subject of the clinical and philosophical hobbies which motivated them: utilitarianism, evolutionism, mathematical marginalism and moral idealism.

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Extra info for Alfred Marshall’s Mission

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16 It probably did not escape Marshall's notice that the Drummond Professor of Political Economy, Bonamy Price (1807-88), was then a very old man, although apparently in good health. '17 Jowett himself says as much - high praise indeed from the head of a crusading college where moral tone was not obiter dictum but de rigueur: 'The secret of his influence . . was his transparent sincerity. No one could find in him any trace of vanity or ambition. Whether he received money or not, if he could only supply his moderate wants, was a matter of indifference to him.

69 The fear that the number of years left to him for academic work was strictly limited thereafter became something of an obsession with him. His personal correspondence amply demonstrates his concern with his own frailty. In 1901, for example: 'The work is very long; and my life is ebbing away. ,70 And again, also in that year: 'Now that I am getting to feel 36 Alfred Marshall's Mission the deadening hand of age press heavily on me, I am looking more and more towards a future when I shall be silent except in so far as some faint echoes of my voice may be mingled in among the sounds of progress in which some of myoid pupils are leaders.

Cambridge and Bristol 35 The College was a new one and had to be publicised; and as Marshall wrote to Hewins in 1899, 'my duties as advertiser in chief were specially onerous [and] ... 6S There was so little in the way of back-up staff that the Principal himself (although appointed as an academic, widely respected in Cambridge) was at one point involved in helping students to find accommodation. Marshall was, at Bristol, burdened with so much routine administration that his academic work suffered.

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Alfred Marshall’s Mission by David Reisman

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