Download e-book for kindle: Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Second International by Zareen Syed, Tim Finin (auth.), Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred,

By Zareen Syed, Tim Finin (auth.), Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred, Bernadette Sharp (eds.)

ISBN-10: 3642198899

ISBN-13: 9783642198892

This ebook constitutes the completely refereed post-conference court cases of the second one foreign convention on brokers and synthetic Intelligence, ICAART 2010, held in Valencia, Spain, in January 2010. The 17 revised complete papers provided including an invited paper have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from 364 submissions. similar because the convention the papers are equipped in simultaneous tracks: synthetic Intelligence and brokers. the chosen papers mirror the interdisciplinary nature of the convention. the range of subject matters is a vital characteristic of this convention, permitting an total conception of a number of very important medical and technological trends.

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Extra info for Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Second International Conference, ICAART 2010, Valencia, Spain, January 22-24, 2010. Revised Selected Papers

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The basic idea of XQuake is to bind a variable to each XML transaction and a new variable to each XML item of that transaction, as shown in the query fragment below, in which a special clause binds each XML transaction to the variable auction and each XML item to the variable bidder (see Figure 2). e. the bidders). for data $auction in doc("xmark")/site/open auctions/open auction for item $bidder in $auction/bidder let supplementary field $name := string($bidder/personref/@person). From the mining models perspective, a similar syntax may be used to locate (parts of) a (new or extracted) mining model, represented via the international PMML standard [2].

39–48, 2011. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 40 J. Hensler, M. Blaich, and O. Bittel Fig. 1. Illustrates typical door images, taken by the robots camera. g. door gap or texture on the bottom. The second difficulty is characterized by the large intra-class variability of doors (even for the same door types) in various environments. As shown in figure 1, doors can have different poses, lighting situations, reflections, as well as completely different features. The main features of a door are illustrated in figure 2.

1. Illustrates typical door images, taken by the robots camera. g. door gap or texture on the bottom. The second difficulty is characterized by the large intra-class variability of doors (even for the same door types) in various environments. As shown in figure 1, doors can have different poses, lighting situations, reflections, as well as completely different features. The main features of a door are illustrated in figure 2. g. by its color or texture with respect to the color or texture of the surrounding wall.

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Agents and Artificial Intelligence: Second International Conference, ICAART 2010, Valencia, Spain, January 22-24, 2010. Revised Selected Papers by Zareen Syed, Tim Finin (auth.), Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred, Bernadette Sharp (eds.)

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