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By Dr. Manfred Knebusch, Dr. Manfred Kolster (auth.)

ISBN-10: 3322843823

ISBN-13: 9783322843821

ISBN-10: 3528085126

ISBN-13: 9783528085124

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Let now a be an arbitrary Proof. signature of F. We must define an ordering "<,, of F such that 0 Let ~ = 0<. denote the set of all elements a in F* with o(a) = 1. Let a be an element of F*, not contained in = 0(a)·0(-1) = 1, since 0(-1) = -1. ~. Thus o(a) = -1 and a(-a) = Hence we see that F is the dis- joint union of ~, -~ and 101. ~ contained in ~. Since 0(1+a) ~. [14; §§ 1,2]), hence if and only if o(a) 1. - 29 - A field F is called real if it has at least one ordering, otherwise F is called non real *).

Thus x is in N. We now return to abstract Witt rings. Prop. 28. All zero-divisors of an abstract Witt ring R lie in M0, R. Proof. 27 i) the set of zero-divisors of R is a union of prime ideals. 1 R is not a zero-divisor for p f 2. -valued homomorphisms of R. Thus for p t 2 the ideal Mcr,p contains non zero-divisors. 29. The proof of Prop. 27 ii). We now study the Witt rings without zero-divisors. Prop. 3C. Let R be an abstract Witt ring without zero-divisors. /2 Zi'.. Proof. We have an epimorphism LZ[G] ~R for some abelian 2-group G, and we denote the image of an element g of G in R by (1+g)(1-g) = we learn that g = 1 or g= g.

L) between the groups of square classes. Clearly s extends to a ring homomorphism -g between the group rings 7l[Q(F)] and 7l(Q(L)]. e. 41. For a homomorphism s from Q(F) to Q(L) the followin~ are equivalent: (i) s is admissible. (ii) 8(-1) = (-1), and for every a in F* with sea) I (-1) the form (1,s(a)) over L represents the square class s(1+a). Proof. (i) = (ii): Assume s is admissible. e. the form (1,s(-1)) over L is equivalent zero. By application of the signed determinant we obtain s(-1) = (-1).

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Wittrings by Dr. Manfred Knebusch, Dr. Manfred Kolster (auth.)

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